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2-part course: 7 - 9 PM on both days

Two-part course for Councillors: 9 & 16 July 7-9 pm   **  FULL  **

Understanding how Parish and Town Councils work and your role and responsibilities is not easy, particularly if you are new to local government. This induction course explains the legal framework giving you the confidence to take a full part in your Council and make a difference in your local area. 


Tuesday 9 July 2024


Held online


Laura Apps-Green


£44 for subscribers | £55 for non-subscribers

Course content

Understanding local government and how parish and town councils fit into the bigger picture

Understanding the roles and responsibilities of key people on the council

Guardian of the public purse: Finance, budget setting and the precept

Powers and duties available

What to expect from meetings

A look at standing orders and other key documents

Employing staff

Understanding the code of conduct and declaration of interests

The council’s role in planning consultations

By the end of this induction course you will

Have a good understanding of your role as a councillor and the context in which you operate

Know the rules of what you must, or must not do, as a council, councillor/staff member, employer

Understand the legislative and regulatory framework for councils, which will help you stick to the rules

Understand more about meetings, protocols and the importance of good governance

This course is recommended for all councillors who are either new to the role or would like to update their understanding.


We'll send you a link via email a day or two before the session is due to be held, so you can just click on the link to join in. You'll need a laptop, tablet or smartphone with a camera; if you haven't tried this technology before that's fine - we'll happily conduct a quick test session with you the day before if you like.

The average satisfaction rating for our induction courses held in 2022: 99%

Comments from recent induction courses:

I thought you presented the material, some intrinsically interesting, some intrinsically a tad dry, with panache and just the right touch of informality. You set us all up to ask questions and comment from the start, in a way which was apparently effortless but which I know required much skill as well as experience. And then you kept us all engaged for the day. Well done.

As a new parish council member I found the content to be set at the right level, easy to follow and absorb. The trainer is the key to success and our trainer delivered the course content superbly over the two sessions. Their experience, knowledge and ability to answer questions was invaluable, plus they possessed the personal skills, qualities and attributes that a good trainer should have. The use and management of the online meeting room was excellent, having experienced some awful events on this platform... it made a refreshing change, and all participants respected the 'room'...most enjoyable - Councillor

Very insightful, it's given me lots to take back and a good springboard to work from, thank you - Councillor

Very good training for both a novice and a more established councillor. I have gained a lot out of today, thank you - Councillor

Excellent, very informative, well paced with good opportunity for questions and helpful use of examples and handouts provided for future reference - Councillor

A must for all new councillors and clerks - Councillor

Well organised. A must for new councillors - Councillor

Very enjoyable and well-run, thank you - Councillor

Useful on format/admin and powers and duties - Councillor

Very professionally presented with clear speech and thoughtful answers to any questions we raised - Councillor

Excellent session. The tutor did a great job in going through very useful information in a clear and straightforward way - Councillor


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