7 - 9.30 pm
If you are a councillor who regularly checks the finances or is involved in other aspects of council finance this course will be useful to you. We recommend that all Clerks/RFOs attend our year-end finance courses but as a councillor do you know what is needed and when? We aim to provide step-by-step help through the end of year finance process with lots of opportunity for questions in an informal setting. The tutor is an experienced Clerk with many years of successfully managing council budgets.
Wednesday 3 March 2021
Hosted as an online session
Julie King
£40 for subscribers | £50 for non-subscribers
By the end of this course you will
Understand what happens at particular times in the year
Be clear about the specific roles/duties of the Responsible Financial Officer, Council Chairperson, Internal and External Auditors and your role as a Councillor
Know what is required in terms of compliance with transparency (publishing particular information on your council's website)
Understand the importance of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR), plus know why we analyse variances, look at a year-end bank reconciliation, know when to sign-off the AGAR, and when to advertise electors' rights
We'll send you a link via email a day or two before the session is due to be held, so you can just click on the link to join in. You'll need a laptop, tablet or smartphone with a camera; if you haven't tried this technology before that's fine - we'll happily conduct a quick test session with you the day before if you like.
A feedback score is not yet available as this course is new for 2021