Ringland Parish Council is looking for a Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO). Previous experience as a Clerk or in Local Government would be an advantage but not essential as training is available. The role requires an enthusiastic and self-motivated person to work alongside our parish councillors.
The position is home based and involves working 20 hours a month (5 hours per week), including attendance at Parish Council meetings. Meetings are held 6 times a year on the second Monday commencing at 7:30 p.m and held at Ringland Village Hall.
The Parish Council will supply a laptop and mobile telephone. The Clerk’s home address will be the registered office of the Council, and some space will be required for the storage of documents and files used regularly for working purposes.
Main duties include:
Organising and attending bi-monthly Council meetings, preparing agendas and writing the minutes.
Attending to correspondence on a day-to-day basis by email, including liaising with District and County Councils, local organisations and the public as required.
Advising the Council on procedures.
Maintaining the Parish Council website (WordPress).
Maintaining/updating files and documents.
Ensuring current legislation and procedures are adhered to by informing and advising the Council and updating Council policies, processes and risk assessments.
Monitoring and updating the Council’s key operating documents such as Standing Orders, Code of Conduct, GDPR etc and develop and produce policies as necessary.
Managing Council assets and arranging maintenance where appropriate. Assets of grazing land, shared SAM2, noticeboards and village hall.
Attending training as required.
Implementing the Council’s decisions.
Distributing relevant information to councillors.
Acting as the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO), managing and reporting on the Council’s finances, annual budget preparation, payment of invoices, reclaim VAT, arranging insurance and preparation of the accounts for the annual audit.
Acting as the Data Protection Officer for the Parish Council.
Monitoring and advising on planning applications and communicating decisions.
Local Government experience and holding the Certificate of Local Council Administration (CiLCA) is desirable but not essential, have good IT and organisational skills. The salary will be determined according to experience, in line with NJC salary scale rates. The position will be available from 1st March 2025.
The job description, person specification and application form can be found on the Parish Council website or by emailing the Clerk on clerk@ringlandparishcouncil.gov.uk.
Completed application forms should be emailed to clerk@ringlandparishcouncil.gov.uk before Monday 17th February 2025.