Overview of Runton Parish Council:
12 Councillors
Population approx 1,600 covering East and West Runton
One member of staff – clerk currently on 20 hours per week
Precept £15,300 but total income (and expenditure) approx £50K
Cash reserves approx £160K
Council responsible for 4 allotments, maintenance of the Commons in both villages, plus all the ‘normal’ PC responsibilities
Overview of Requirement/Background:
Current clerk been in post 15+ years. We need to review the requirements of the role before going forward to permanent recruitment. This is in light of a more active Council, change in Chair (since May 2023) and changes in technology etc. The locum clerk will be asked to help the Staffing Committee with finalising the job description etc of the permanent role.
Main Responsibilities of Role:
• To keep the basics going until permanent recruitment takes place, namely correspondence
• Maintenance of website
• General office admin (filing etc)
• To act as RFO, paying suppliers and maintaining financial records
• To clerk meetings (probably just Council meetings)
• To (as above) assist the Staffing Committee in the design of a job description/person specification for the new permanent role.
Finance Package Used:
Spreadsheet – this is something that needs addressing by new permanent clerk.
Duration of Contract (i.e 3 months plus desirable start date):
Approx 3 months starting 1 December.
No. of Hours Per Week required (please note any specific days/times that apply):
Hours flexible as the first 2 to 3 weeks will involve handover from the existing clerk, then taking on the role themselves, then seeing in a new permanent clerk. Approx. 15 hours per week.
Location of work (please also advise if it is possible for the work to be undertaken on a remote or hybrid basis ie part office/part home working, as this will enable us to broaden the search):
Hybrid possible, but not during two handover periods.
Essential skills/knowledge required:
CILCA, good IT skills, good communication skills, pragmatism.
Contact details:
Runton Parish Council, The Reading Room, East Runton, Cromer, NR27 9PE
Name & Role of Primary Contact:
MS Carole Davidson, Chair
Phone: 07587 186975