Working from home and attending meetings which are monthly except for Aug and Dec on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7.30pm.
The ideal candidate will have good communications skills, with a good standard of English and Maths in addition to being competent with IT using MS365 in addition to updating a website. IT, training and support are provided.
Pay will be in line with National Association of Local Council guidelines according to experience and qualifications and subject to PAYE as applicable. A pension scheme is available.
The main duties include:
To arrange, publicise and attend Parish Council meetings.
To prepare agendas and write minutes of the meeting.
To act as the Responsible Financial Officer , maintaining accounts and carrying out banking.
To attend to correspondence on a day to day basis and advise and support the Chairman and Councillors.
To liaise with Norfolk County Council , Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council, the public, other organisations and official bodies.
To act as the King George Playing Field Charity administrator.
To regularly update the Parish Council website and notice boards with agendas and information.
Shouldham is a small popular and vibrant rural village with 7 Cllrs, who are also the sole trustees of the playing field charity. The PC manages a new play park, public toilets, a there is a Bowls Club and Youth Football Club who lease the playing field. There is a Neighbourhood Plan in it’s final stages of production by a Steering Group and a village Ents Ctte that operates independently.
For further information and to apply for the position contact the clerk by email with a covering email enclosing a CV. Closing date 28 February 2025 with interview to be arranged shortly thereafter. The successful candidate will be required to provide references.